Garden Ornaments/Sculptures/Statues

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Ornaments/Sculptures/Statue Garden Ornaments

In addition to plants and wildlife, another way to build the beauty of your garden is through well-chosen ornaments, sculptures and statues.

With so many garden decorations and ornaments to choose from, it’s often too difficult to know where to start.

There is no wrong or right way to decorate your garden and each garden will suit the individual who enjoys it. 

A Variety of Materials

Consider the material of garden ornaments and statues before you buy. You may prefer natural stone or wood, whereas other gardens or gardeners may prefer more modern sculptures in plastic or metal. 

Garden ornaments are typically made from a range of materials including:

  • Stone
  • Resin
  • Treated wood
  • Metal
  • Plastic 

Always ensure the material you choose is weather-resistant and strong enough to withstand inclement weather conditions. 

Which is the right decorative garden object for me?

  • Stone statues - From large figurines to smaller sundials and beyond, a hard-wearing timeless piece such as a stone statue might be the special something that a garden has been crying out for.
  • Water features - Beautiful all year around, water features come in all shapes and sizes. Some might be designed to become the main focal point in a garden where others might form a small part of garden’s overall theme.
  • Wall mounted decorations - From fairies to gargoyles, wall mounted ornaments take advantage of the area above the ground, continuing a theme and adding to the overall look of a garden.

Fun Features

It is possible to have a lot of fun in your garden whereas the décor in your home might sport a more classic style. Consider naughty gnomes, cheeky stone statues and garden elves to add a touch of fun to your outdoor space. 

Practical Accessories

Thermometers, pond or garden lights and other practical garden accessories may also be highly decorative, as well as functional.