4.54.5 out of 5 stars
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Good value100% agree

Entertaining100% agree

Engaging characters100% agree

10 reviews


great start to the series

love the story of the christmas invasion. with the aliens dressed up as santa claus. loved the fight at the end between the doctor and leader of the sycorax.

first episode of the new series i liked . great to see the return of cassandra. great also to see her control the doctor and rose. those scenes are hilarious and no matter how many times you watch the episode they are still funny. to be honest with you David Tennant plays the doctor really well. he gives the character a brillant sense of humour but of course as the doctor he can be serious as well. why i decided to buy it is because for one thing it was cheaper to buy and cheaper than my local Woolworths. they were selling it for 12.97 and i got it from a seller on ebay for 8.69. the selling price was 6.99 and it was 1.70 for postage and packing. under a tenner and you can't beat that for price.Read full review...


the arrival of David Tennant

I brought this because I have the first series with Christopher Eccleston and I will be buying eventually this series as well. I grew up watching Dr Who and now my children do.I love the humour in these they seemed a lot more serious when I watched them back in the 70's and 80's.
It contains;
THE CHRISTMAS INVASION - where it is a little more to do with Rose than the Dr cos he sleeps through a lot of this due to his regeneration.Christmas Eve alien invasion by the Sycorax and you see Harriet Jones again who is now Prime minister.
NEW EARTH - In the distant future they go to a place called new Earth where an order of cat faced nuns cure illnesses in a hospital. The Dr has to discover why he is there and also save rose from Lady Cassandra.
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Doctor Who - The New Series - Series 2 - Vol.1 (DVD)

Great DVD. Really action packed. The first in the thrilling second series. Best episode: Christmas invasion! Contains 2 very exciting episodes for the first time on DVD. Billie Piper also returns for her second series with even more energy than the first. The first time you get to see David Tennant in action as the new Doctor!
Not to be missed.
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Doctor who review

Great dvd, david tennant is a absoulty brilliant doctor, great with billie
great episodes for all ages, worth buying just to watch over and over


Doctor Who Series 2 volume 1 dvd

I bought this as a christmas present for a family member. I know they really enjoyed the series but missed some episodes.


Doctor Who - The New Series - Series 2 - Vol. 1 (DVD)

All fans of Dr Who and David Tennant will enjoy this DVD and is a good start to building a collection. The only bad thing id there are only 2 episodes in this volume.


An Enjoyable series

A thouroughy enjoyable series alltogether. The series is re-watchable unlike many series. Storylines are interesting and engaging with a blend of surreal and feasible intertwined. I believe this series will stand the test of time.
Looking forward to the episodes in the making
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great dvd

i find not very good that i want to leave a short reviw and it says i have to leave a long one well i tought i was good dvd short though witch is not your fault it just dr who cashing on it's fans witch is a bit crapRead full review...


good value for money

arrived in good time and good quality my daughter was thrilled
her collection of dvds is nearly complete it is good to get the ones you need as she wants all the series


Doctor Who Series 2 Vol1

My little boy loves doctor who and got this for christmas. He has watched it quite a few times now and abosolutely loves it. I would buy it again for him.

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