4.64.6 out of 5 stars
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Good graphics92% agree

Compelling gameplay100% agree

Good value100% agree

189 reviews


A good workout

I've been working out with Wii Fit and my exercise bike for several months and was ready to try something new. I bought My Fitness Coach and I've been pretty pleased with it. I got Active at the same time so I'll compare them.

My Fitness Coach gives choices of the types of workout you'd like--Cardio, Lower Body, Upper Body, etc. or you can let the trainer pick for you. It also gives you choices of how long you want to work out and the workout *is* that length. As you continue with the program, you can unlock new places to "exercise" in, as well as new music. The "trainer" has a calming voice and and does a pretty good job of letting you know what is going to happen next and when. The exercise titles move across the bottom of the screen so you can tell what equipment you'll need as well as what the next exercise is. You can use a stair stepper, weights, and a stability ball with the exercises if you have them. Sometimes I have difficulty keeping up with the steps or don't know how to correctly do the exercises, and I haven't figured out how to do the tutorials to show me. Sometimes the trainer counts for you but sometimes she doesn't. I wish she would because you don't always want to be looking at the screen. Periodically the program allows you to interact by asking how you're doing--no sweat, I was working hard, or I couldn't keep up. The "trainer" says she'll adjust your program if you push "I couldn't keep up". lol The buttons are small and sometimes it's hard to hit the right one. The only time you need the Wii remote is when you're answering those questions. The program tells you at the end how many calories you burned (really, only 27 calories in 15 minutes!?!). You don't interact with the program very much.

Wii Active is much more interactive. You use the Wii remote as well as the nunchuck in a special thigh belt along with a resistance band and the balance board. The belt and band are included. This program does a good job of coaching you along with correct formation and the remote and nunchuck help it document your movements. You make your own person (you don't use your Mii) and you can see your own movements along with the movements of the trainer. Each training session is different and includes lots of fun activities (boxing, volleyball, basketball, in-line skating) to go along with the strength and cardio exercises. You select the intensity of your training session when you start (low, medium, or high) but that option isn't given daily. You earn "trophies" for your accomplishments. The training videos are shown before you start a new exercise and you can click out of them if you think you can figure it out. It's also easy to find the tutorials again if you have questions. If you exercise with the tutorials, you'll keep your exercise time up. I haven't been able to figure out how to set the length of the training session--I generally work out a little less than 20 minutes. I like how the program keeps you moving back and forth with the various exercises and games. There is also a daily journal you can keep that asks about your lifestyle habits (how much sleep, how many veggies or glasses of water, etc.). At the end of a session a graph shows how your work-out went based on how many calories you burned.

I really like the interaction of Active versus My Fitness Coach. I like being able to set the exact amount of time on My Fitness Coach. I personally like Active a little better but I'll keep working out with both programs!
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Good Port of Yourself!Fitness

This game is a port of the 2004 XBOX game Yourself!Fitness.
It was released the next year on PC and PS2.

The difference being that this Wii version, now named "My Fitness Coach," doesn't include the food menu/nutrition section.

I loved the game back in the day, and never used the nutrition portion anyways.
I still own my XBOX copy (it's backwards compatible with the XBOX 360) and the PC version (requires the v1.1 patch and a NO-CD crack to work on modern computer) of Yourself!Fitness.

I went ahead and bought the Wii version also, since I have my Wii in the den, and has a little more room to workout.

So why wouldn't I buy a more modern Wii workout program vs this 2004 port of Yourself!Fitness?

I just like the style of this cartoony looking mini games or bobble headed instructors, or using a Wiimote or Balance Board...just a realistic instructor with good commentary and a huge variety of workouts from Yoga to Pilates to Cardio.
It also lets you incorporate REAL workout equipment like steps, weights, and balance balls.

That's all I need: no high tech gadgetry, just someone that keeps me motivated and tells me what to do next.

I'm docking a star, as there was a real opportunity to upgrade the original game, but this is truly just a nerfed port of a game half a decade old at the time.
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Very good, with a few minor annoyances

The software gives you a variety of workouts. Every day I notice something new is added, or difficulty is increased. It pushes you to keep improving, yet it can adjust future workouts if you think they are too easy or too hard. We have three family members using it, and it creates unique workouts for each of us.
There are some annoying features. For instance, the question boxes are long and narrow, so when you are winded from a cardio workout it is very difficult to stabalize the Wii controller on the answer you want to give. I've had a few false responses because of this. Also, the program rewards you for keeping to your schedule, but it doesn't offer any flexibility. I was supposed to work out for 15 minutes on Monday, and another 15 on Tuesday. I missed those, but did 30 minutes on Wednesday, my day off. As far as the program was concerned I missed two days, when in fact my net accomplishment was the same. OK these complaints are minor ones. It shouldn't stop anyone from buying the software, but go into knowing these things will happen.
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Get a Great Workout

I purchased Wii Fit first and got a bit bored with it after only a couple of weeks. I LOVE My Fitness Coach.

You get a great workout with this game that is tailored to your skills and abilities and you don't get bored! I have been using this game about 6 weeks and I have lost about 25 pounds and tons of inches. I find myself sweating after only 10 minutes and really getting a good burn. I love that you are able to concentrate on the areas you want to, including Core, Upper body, Lower body and flexibility. You also have the ability to choose straight cardio or yoga.

I would have given it an excellent rating, however, I think there were a few small areas that could have easily made this game so much better.

First, I would have liked to have "Maya" tell me when to change sides, or switch, etc. She emphasizes that you keep form, but you have to break form to watch your TV to see when you have to switch sides on several of the exercises. This seems like it would have been an easy addition to the game. Letting her say "Okay, left side now" or "Okay, rotate right now"

Second, there should be the ability to exclude exercises you can not do due to physical abilities. There are two exercises I am unable to do, as they put severe pressure on my tailbone causing pain. Not sure why, but I can't do them and would like the ability to tell the game to exclude those exercises so I can have substituted something I can do. I just do crunches through them now.

Third, the yoga flows are great, but I wish she would repeat the directions everytime because I really hate looking at the screen to figure out what comes next. I think the ability to ask for more direction would be nice. Turning directions on and off or something.

Last, the progress charts are great, but I wish they gave actual numbers. The bar graph makes it very difficult to read to see how many pounds/inches you have lost and gained. You really can't tell what the exact numbers are with the graph the way it is. You can only see the trend and get an idea.
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My Fitness Coach (wii)

I just got this today and I already LOVE it! The only downside, but not really a downside at all, is that it does not use the Wii fitness board. No probs, i'm just going to order some risers later that attach to make it a stepping board, so I can still use it. You use your own equipment (balance ball, step board, hand weights and heart monitor).

What I love about this program is that it first off checks your physical health and vitals and then makes a program designed especially for you with a focus of your choosing. For me, I choose weight loss with a focus in cardio, so the video has me doing just that. If it's too advanced for me it chooses easier lower impact exercises until I can get to that level. Likewise, if it's too easy for you it chooses higher impact exercises. You can choose to focus in cardio, yoga, weight training and some other ones I can't remember right now. If you're a pro or a beginner it's good for everyone I think. Unlike the wii fit game there is no way for the trainer to know how you are really doing, or how good or bad your posture is, so you're on your own there. However, there is some training tutorials on each exercise in case you don't know how to do them.

The game plays like a fitness video and not a game at all except that you get to personalize it in putting in your vitals and weight stats and goals. You choose how long you want to workout, but choose a time to start when you have nothing else going on because the video does not stop and there are no breaks (except a 30 second break every so often for water) until your chosen time to work out is over. It's fun and a suprisingly great workout, so I recommend this to anyone.
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My Fitness Coach (Wii)

I just got my Wii Balance Board a few weeks ago and was actually looking for intense workout type games. This fitness game meets part of that requirement. The fitness game itself is pretty good. However, I was hoping it would use the balance board more (as far as weight, BMI calculation). For this, you enter your weight manually and when you go through your fitness profile it relies on the data you supply by taking you through a series of exercises such as squats and crunches. If the BMI and weight would sync somehow with the Wii Fit game that'd be better.

The coach part of the game is great and you can follow along at your pace. During the course of the program you can set your goal and time and the exercise program will adjust according to you and your needs. The instructor is life like and you actually feel like you are in a gym. The other part I like is that it'll taylor your work out to the types of equipment you own. Weights, balance board, fitness ball.

In all, I rate this game 4 out of 5 only because I would like more balance board involvement, though I haven't really been using it that long. Perhaps it will as I progress through the game. Regardless, I recommend this fitness game!
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Great Start to Something Bigger

We got the Wii fit last year and liked it, but the flow gets interrupted in having to pick up and put down the remote during the yoga and strength straining to switch exercises, so I thought I’d give My Fitness Coach a shot. I was pleasantly surprised. I like the one on one and not having to see a class full of people. I hope this is just the beginning to a number of Wii exercises that will be available. I only have a couple of criticisms though. First, I really do the Yoga the most. I like the workouts and how they are laid out, but the woman’s voice is more directive and calculated than smooth and relaxing, and she goes too fast. The other issue I have is that it is tough to watch the screen during all the poses and she does not say “Release Pose” or anything to let you know to get ready for the next one. I hear her talking and she’s already started the next pose so I have to jump up and figure out where she is, which ads to the lack of relaxation. I do it for the stretching though and it’s very good. I would highly recommend it for any beginner, probably not for someone who is advanced. It is also great because you can regulate the volume of the music and her voice so if you like the music and don’t need to hear her anymore, you can turn her completely off and just have the music, and vice versa. I wish I could do that on some of the DVD workouts I have!Read full review...


Wii My Fitness Coach

Ok~ I am back with a rendition of Wii My fitness coach!

It went well, the initial set up is comprised of you doing 2 minutes of jumping jacks (I know that does not sound like a lot but WOW! It was super rough as I have been doing major step/squats for weeks and me legs began to turn to jello!). Then she has you do the rest of the fitness test: sit ups, stretches, squats, push-ups, heart rate etc.. After that she tells you what area you seem to be weak in. Then she devises a plan for you.

I then picked pilates to do as I have not done any real stretching etc.. with my workout. You can pick how long you wnat to work out for as well. I did 1/2 hour (you pick the music and place setting (i.e., dojo/outside/urban) and start working out. I enjoyed it, and I think it is worth the $30 I spent. She shows you how to do each of the exercises and it even has a running bar on the bottom to let you know what you are on and what is coming next. There is a timer to allow you to know where you are in the work out. There are breaks throughout and it moves along at a good pace. The instructor asks you how the workout id progressing (i.e., too hard, too easy etc..) then it remembers what you have said about the workout and modifies it for next time.

It also asks you what type of fitness equipment you have (i.e., I have a step and weights) so it modifies the workout to utilize what you have.

I am going to purchase a new fitness ball this week as that is an option as well.

There is aerobics, pilates, yoga etc.. seems like fun and something to change up my usual daily workout. The options are wonderful and I recommend this to anyone wanting a change as well as an honest indicator of your health profile.
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Pretty good workout - motivates you from your home!!!

This game is pretty great, but has some lacking qualities.

Firstly, it doesn't utilize the Wii Fitness Board at all - only the Wiimote, which makes it harder for the program to tell if you're REALLY doing the excerises, and doing them right.

It DEFINITELY packs a punch - even for and experienced exerciser, some of these routines were quite challenging. Unfortunately, if you don't have much of your own equipment stock, the workouts and exercises can get kind of bland - not much to offer for somebody who doesn't have a workout ball, heart monitor, and step block.

But, definitely keeps you motivated - how can you not want to go to workout when it's RIGHT there in front of your face???
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My Fitness Coach

My Fitness Coach is a good application and I believe that this type of program will eventually elimimnate the Gym as we know it, if they can add some more features and work the bugs out. I bought it to loose weight and I have lost 30lbs. I like the workouts, the reward system if you keep on the scheduel, and the latin music. I don't like that you can only measure on a chalenge day. every 10th workout), Its doesn't change the workout much if you tell it that the workouts are getting to easy, and you can't eliminate an exercise from a workout if you don't like it or can't do it. All in all I would recommend this "game" if you do exercise videos and want a litle more control.Read full review...

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