3.93.9 out of 5 stars
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Good graphics100% agree

Compelling gameplay100% agree

Good value100% agree

132 reviews



RARE has always been so good. Why would they turn a classic like Perfect Dark into a cookie cutter shooter? It's not that the game doesn't have nice graphics or that the story isn't involving. It's not even the multiplayer. It's the shooting. Unless you can land a headshot every single time you will probably spend several shots on each enemy because it seems they all wear bullet proof clothing from head to toe. Taking cover is a cool concept when incorporated correctly but when an enemy can easily run up and melee you taking cover is worthless and pointless. There is no jump button. Instead there is a roll feature which can be frustrating to use since you cannot fire while rolling. The rest of the conrols are ok but don't expect smooth controls. Multiplayer can be fun but you will mostly be fighting against bots. It is also easy to get stuck in a match that is neverending and all of your play time would be worthless in the rankings system. This needs to be fixed. The respawn portals are a great idea though and jetpacks are also a lot of fun to mess around in. I don't recommend buying unless you are a hardcore fan but it may be worth the rental to see if you like it. 3.5/5Read full review...


Great multiplayer

Perfect Dark Zero is a great first person shooter. The Singleplayer and multiplayer modes are both great. The multiplayer is great because those who don't have Xbox live don't need it to play a sixteen player game, because you can play with bots. The bots difficulty can be adjusted to fit the level of expertise of the player. Although tt does lack a wide variety of maps to play it is still quite fun. The Singleplayer is fun. It is also very hard when the level of difficulty is increased upon completion of the easier modes. There are also many great guns available for use. Each individual gun has a primary and secondary fire. There are a wide variety of secondary uses for the guns, ranging from scanning the area for enemies to seeing through walls to shooting grenades. This game also lacks the graphics of a standard Xbox 360 game. I highly recommend this game to any one who likes shooting games.Read full review...


Underrated FPS for sure, bargain for cheap price!

I rememmber when the 360 launched and Perfect Dark Zero was one of the launch titles, many of my friends were very let down, mostly because of how much they fondly remebered the first one for the 64, also because it wasn't quite what people expected from the next generation. But don't be fooled, this a solid game and worth your money, especially now for 5 to 10 bucks. The graphics are very solid. Joanna Dark's character animation is spectacular, but some of the enemies don't look as well as she does. The people in the game kind of look like the character models in Crackdown actually. The enemy AI is a bit out of whack. Sometimes you walk right up to an enemies face without being recognized, sometimes they see you without seeing you it seems. But this doesn't happen too much, so it doesn't hinder the gameplay. The cut scenes are pretty lame in all honesty, but they're short and inconsequential. Some very cool gadgets to use during missions help vary the gameplay. You are required to do some sneaking from time to time around which isn't bad, but not as fun as run and gun portions of the missions. Guns look and sound great. The sound effects are very good. The music is mostly techno, but it fits the game and isn't bad, ultra repetitive techno like some sci fi shooters on the market. Overall, this is a fun game, not a great game by any means, but still fun for the price, good value. As long as you are not expecting Halo or Gears, then you should give this game a low risk shot.Read full review...


Skills, Graphics, Xbox Live Action...Perfect Dark Zero

First of all, This is a First Person Shooter, and it is NOT Halo, nor Halo 2.

Graphics 9/10
This game has great graphics, visual effects, such as explosions, flash grenades and Smoke, are simply Perfect.

Sound 8/10
The music is not bad, but it could be better, the sounds of the weapons are great, the shotgun sounds like a shotgun, not like a random fire arm.

Gameplay 9/10
This game is different, this is not a run and shoot (at least at higher difficulties) it's really tactical.
The weapons are different, and most of it are balanced.

Replayability 10/10
This part is Divided in two, with xbox live and without xbox live.
I give a 10 if you have xbox live, because of the matchmaking, it's almost lag free.
If you don't have xbox live I give it a 8, because when you finish the Single Player the game gets old, but the multiplayer, with BOTS (AI controlled players)makes this game replayable.

Overall 9/10 (not an average)
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Great for Co-Op and Multiplayer Gamers!

This is the first game we purchased when we bought our Xbox 360. Knowing almost nothing about modern video games at the time.. I think we made a solid choice.

Learning how the game works is fairly easy. When you start the game in story mode, there is a training mission (Level 0). Just complete this and you should know how to do just about everything needed to progress through the game.

Mission Mode (Story Mode):

Counting "Mission 0" - the training mission (which is required to be completed before you can move to the first real mission), there are 14 total missions in the game. The cinematics are entertaining and MOST of the missions are fun. Each mission will have Primary and Support (or secondary) objectives. Primary objectives are mandatory to complete the mission. Support objectives are helpful to you (in most cases) if you complete them. Your objectives may vary depending on the level of difficulty you are playing. The developers also added a secret difficulty setting - just complete the game on the Perfect Agent setting to unlock.

Missions can be completed solo or 2 people can use the co-op mode and do it together. If you prefer co-op mode and have nobody to play with, you can do the co-op over Xbox Live.

While the game is fun, 14 total missions are a bit much for my taste. It seems to drag on a bit and - at times - may feel like it is NEVER going to end.

The Combat Arena (Multiplayer Modes):

There are quite a few options when it comes to the multiplayer modes in this game. You to know that you do not need an Xbox live acct to enjoy multiplayer game play. (Which is lacking in some other games)

You can play locally - just create a came with some Bots (or computer players) and go to town. You can customize just about everything from the guns available in the game to the intelligence (or lack of) of the computer bots.

I have a SUPER fast connection and I seem to be "bumped" out of Xbox live games frequently. I'm not sure if this is a glitch in the programming or a less than stellar connection from the host, but it just seems shaky to me. I usually create my own came - with a few bots - and allow other people to jump in and join the fun.

Ranked matches are an option, however, I cannot recall ever being able to get one started.


There are tons of achievements available - some mission mode related and some require multiplayer skills. Thankfully, none of the multiplayer achievements require ranked match play (or Xbox live play). The one thing I do not like about the achievements in this game is that you will need to replay the game on various difficulty settings to acquire them all.


There is some foul language (mostly in the background) so it may offend some players - or the parents of some players. To be honest, I did not even notice the language until about half way through the game - just to focused on getting the job done I guess.

Bottom Line: Most will find this game to be a blast. (Certainly turned my 4-year-old daughter into a gamer - and, yes, me too). Trying to complete the game can (at times) feel like a never ending quest, but with so many variations on the multiplayer game play, it should keep you entertained for a good long while. This game is well worth the purchase price and it is one I am happy to have in my Xbox Library.

My Xbox Live ID is SKOOT2006 - if you enjoy a good game with friendly people, please feel free to send us a friend request.
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Rare makes a solid shooter

If there is one thing that stands out about this game it is the graphics. The visuals in this game scream next-gen. The textures and lighting are all done very well, some things are a bit shiney but i like shiney! I caught myself just going around looking at things in the enviroment. The sound is also done well with alot of good original music throughout. The voices are good but some people may not care for the accents the NPCs have. They didnt bother me, they were kind of amusing. The gameplay is pretty solid and the guns are simply great looking and sounding. You will find your favorites and use them often. The single player levels are designed to be replayed over and over again using new unlockable weapons to archive your best scores and there is also Co-op so your friends can play along and some addictive online gameplay too. Overall PDZ is a good shooter even if the AI is somewhat predictable. I really enjoyed my time with this game and i give it my recommendation. I'm definately looking forward to the next Perfect Dark game, I just hope they make the enemies more intelligent.Read full review...


Disappointing, but still pretty good.

I'm a huge fan of the first PD. I was a little skeptical when I heard this was coming out, because some of the key designers of the original and Golden Eye 64 had left Rare. The single player mission was a complete disappointment. Some levels were really cool. Then other levels seamed like a complete moron had designed them. But despite this, they are forgiven because of the co-op in the campaigned. Which lets you sneak around with a friend and silently take out enemies, or bring in heavy hardware and go crazy.

Multi-player is just jaw dropping. 32 player combat. More modes than you can shake a stick at, and up to 15 A.I. bots in a match, WOW!!! Plus allot of weapons that can have up to 3 different functions. Rocket launchers w/ cameras on the warhead, a sniper rifle that lets you see through walls with x-ray vision. Even a weapon similar to that throwing disk in the predator movies makes an appearance.

Based on multi-player, and the fact that this game is pretty cheap now a days, I'm scoring this as GOOD.
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Mini-Review. Perfect Dark Zero

Great game. Can be bought dirt-cheap now (about 10-15 bucks,) because it came out in late 2005, so as now to be an old game. Good fun though. YOU are JoAnna Dark, so if you are a girl gamer (I decided not to use the word female,) this could be a maybe reason to especially like this game a little more than a guy could appreciate. But as a male, I like being JoAnna Dark. It has a good storyline, and you can also choose from different characters to be (other than JoAnna in the storyline mode.) But I kinda like to be JoAnna. Maybe I'm a closet transvestite? Lol. NOT. But it's kinda fun to be the under-rated female so as to fight (now I chose to use the word "female") and then to kick male butt! The graphics are real good for that time, and hold up pretty good to this day. If it wasn't for classic games like "Perfect Dark Zero," we wouldn't have the greater games we have today I don't suppose. I like it. So as for me, two thumbs up.Read full review...


It's an alright play, but it needs more....

I found this game to be a combination of other first person shooter games, but with a different cast of characters. Mainly, it seemed like a combination of Goldeneye and Wolfenstein 3D. The entire game had a James Bond feel to it and then, suddenly, the plot takes a huge jump and twists itself into the story behind Wolfenstein 3D. Suddenly, the main enemy is after a God-like I was sort of disappointed in the plot of the game. The graphics were alright, some of the character models were a little cartoony and poorly done, but the scenes, background, weapons - they all looked good. The music was alright, but I definitely suggest turning it down or you'll strain yourself to hear the characters voices...which, you might not want to hear anyway, because they're all rather annoying. The voice acting clearly wasn't a focal point for this game. The controls were easy to use, mainly because every first person shooter adopts the same sort of controls. Anyone can learn the controls within moments. The game was also pretty short; it could have been beefed up way more. The replay value is fairly high, though, because you can have fun doing battle with one another. Playing online or with friends is fun and the options are pretty good. Solo mode, though, much doesn't change with the different levels of difficulty. One thing that was really obnoxious was how the AI moved. Over half of the enemies would shuffle back and forth and slide from side to side, making them a real pain to target and hit - I understand we're going for the element of realism, but I don't think soldiers would move like that in a shoot-out. I strongly feel that this game could have been beefed up in all areas. It's fun to play, but I think many will agree that more needs to be offered to make this title a hit for the 360.Read full review...


too much hype for this game killed it.

this game has been hyped and hyped and hyped for about, ohhh i dont know ever since the original perfect dark was relaesed. so with that said RARE games certainly did have alot to live up to.
i would say this is a standard 1st person shooter, but is not by any means mind blowing.
the thing i absolutley love about this game was the graphics. in my opinion the best on the 360, but thats just me.
the guns are ok. very standard. i hate the pistols, they are innacurate and dont fire very fast. and the super-dragon in multiplayer isnt even cool. its so much overpowered than the other weapons its not even funny.
the story mode is okay i woudlve enjoyed something less linear. and not to ruin it for anyone, but im going to just say that the final boss is the gayest boss ever in games history! ill leave it at that.
pick this up if you have xbxo live, but if you dont go buy call of duty 2. actually you need to get that game anyway. i prefer the orignal very much over this one , but this game is still solid.
single player-7/10
ok that about sums it up! thanks for readin'!
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