4.74.7 out of 5 stars
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Good graphics92% agree

Compelling gameplay92% agree

Good value95% agree

128 reviews


Good Gameplay - Limited Replay Value

Prototype is a sandbox game where you progress through missions that are labeled as a yellow circle on your map. As you complete this missions, more and more "minigames" appear on your map. These minigames are all optional and give you a bit more to do.

Let's start out with the plot...

The plot is kinda hard to follow...but basically there is an infection going around the city and the military is trying to quarantine it and keep it under control. It seems strange, but both the infected monsters and the military are your enemies. The whole objective of the game is to find out who you (Alex Mercer) are and how this all started. For me, it was interesting at the start, then it just became to much for me to follow.


The gameplay is fun. You are fast, your character automatically runs over cars and up walls. There is also an upgrade you can buy for Alex to make him be able to fly for short distances which makes getting around easy. There are a lot of frustrating moments in Prototype. I specifically remember a few boss fights that were just plain STUPID and were boring and long. This game has some of the worst boss fights ever! Even at the very end you will be disappointed by the final fight! Also sometimes your character can be hard to control, you will find yourself getting very angry at him when he attacks in the wrong direction .


The graphics are average for the time we live in. The buildings are pretty boring but the streets, blood, monsters, and Alex's moves are look better sharp. Overall, just average...

Replay value...

This is where the game really fails in my opinion. There are about 33 missions (I could be wrong, I'm not checking) which will only take you about 1-2 weeks to finish depending on how often you play and how often you screw around (for what little fun there is to screw around). There is a bunch of side missions, but most of them repeat themselves and there ends up only being 10 or so. The side missions are not exciting. Basically they are either eat the people it tells you to, kill as many monsters as you can in 3 minutes, you have 3 minutes to kill all the monsters, or race to this spot as fast as you can. Not really anything you don't see in the main storyline except you are being timed. Overall, you'll want to sell it...maybe even before you beat the game.
PS - Prototype is 1 player only...


For you achievement hunters like me out there... here's the scoop. The achievements are fairly difficult! Some of the gamerscore comes directly from beating the main storyline, but the rest...and most...comes from doing obsurd tasks. Bottom line, with 30-40 hours of gameplay I got 580 gamescore and was proud of it...

One thing I forgot to mention, Alex is very upgradable. There is zillions of upgrades you can purchase with the "points" you get from doing missions and minigames. Although at the beginning it is exciting and the upgrades are very fun, after awhile you just stop caring...not wanting to memorize all the combinations of buttons and just buying upgrades to go for the achievement (unlock all upgrades for Alex). It's a good idea with poor execution.

Gameplay: 8/10
Graphics: 7/10
Story: 8/10
Replay Value: Low
Gameplay Hours: 20-50
OVERALL: 7.5/10
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Interesting Game, A New Approach.

I heard a lot of good things about this game from friend and the media and I have to say it did not disappoint.

At first I found the game awkward and complicated. The awkwardness came to me first in where the game started, at the end; the beginning was way too much killing of innocent people + the cops or army, overall confusion. The complicated part was in the gameplay, the movement and attack combos where difficult and really hard to master.

After this event the game goes back to the firsts chapters where you learn how to use the special move and attack combos which after little bit of practice are really easy to go along with and the game comes more fluid and fun to play. The gore part as I said was confusing and awkward at the beginning but as the game progresses it turns interesting and entertaining.

The graphics are ok but I really think that there is a lot of room for improvement if they decide to make this into a new series.

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For you if you like running up buildings and killing.

Not the most polished game on earth, and there are a few gripes I have, but overall, this game is fun as hell. I spent half an hour holding a car and running up and down the sidewalks just slamming into crowds of people and they just go flying and scream. It's great. You can also kick helicopters out of the sky. You can also grab a person, run to the top of a building and just hurl them into the sky. Then you have to try to find the body. That's just me though.

If you like just being a badass and destroying shit and reeking havoc on a city, pick this game up.
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Prototype Is a WOW Dosen't Dissapoint 5*

ou are Alex Mercer. What exactly that means is initially unclear because this is a man who has lost his memory, but awoken in a morgue to a world in which he possesses untold power. A viral outbreak has claimed Manhattan, forcing the island into a military quarantine. The infected citizens are undergoing radical, monstrous changes -- none more drastic than Alex himself. This anti-hero finds himself with the ability to shape shift and absorb other beings. As the most powerful being on a closed island, the entire city is your playground. And it is a game world that feels unfinished.

Prototype is a single player, open-world action game in the style of Crackdown or The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. You play as a man gifted with superhuman powers and the option to go most anywhere you like and do most anything you want once you get there. It's sandbox gaming with a heavy focus on pure action.

Though you play as a man bestowed with superhero power, Mercer is anything but heroic. There are no moral choices here. Mercer has vowed to destroy those responsible for his current situation and he has the means to do it. To gain new powers or refill your health bar, you'll literally absorb other living beings. Find yourself a little low on hit points and you can simply grab an innocent bystander, crush his or her head, and then consume them for a quick boost. If you find yourself in a pinch with attack choppers chasing you through the roads, you can absorb a person and morph into their likeness to blend in with the crowd.

It's almost impossible to play Prototype without feeling like Mercer is an overpowered character at some point, but any time you start getting too comfortable, there's a good chance the game is about to change things up on you. To give specific examples would be to risk spoiling the game's story for you, but suffice it to say that new enemies and hazards are introduced, moves you've come to rely on might not always be available or effective, and as time passes, Manhattan becomes an increasingly perilous place to be. The difficulty curve is nigh on perfect, and the fact that you're continuously adding new moves to your arsenal to combat new dangers helps keep the gameplay from getting repetitive.

But how long can you do flying elbow drops onto tanks or throw people off of rooftops before it gets boring? The world itself here is far from the most engaging...

The answer to that will vary by the player, but obviously messing around with the powers isn't all there is to do in Prototype. The storyline involves 31 missions including everything from simple seek and destroy affairs to stealthy infiltrations to escort missions and massive boss battles. Most of these missions are standard in design. In fact, if you've played many open-world games, you've probably played identical copies of these in the past. And since repetition is oftentimes the name of the game here, you can be sure you'll be doing uninspired tasks over and over again.

Quite often Prototype follows the design philosophy of everything and the kitchen sink. Instead of fighting a few enemies, the game tosses dozens upon dozens at you. Then it throws in a few tanks and helicopters as well as a couple dozen innocent bystanders for good measure. It's a design that creates a lot of tension, though I found the action too chaotic at times. Even the policing system is dialed to the max and too aggressive.

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Move over Guys, A girl can Play prototype with ease!

Ladies, after a hard day at work do you ever want to just kill something! Destroy New York! Well quit yoga because your wait is completely over! Just grab Prototype and let the killing spree begin. The story line is simple but intriguing. There aren't alot of plot twists so those of you who crave a good story will just have to be satisfied by the great animation and godlike euphoria of crushing your enemies. There's not to much to learn in the way of complicated button moves - you can sort of HULK MASH the buttons and still get great results. The moves are intriguing enough to motivate you into learning a few combinations.

Obviously I loved this game. I gave it an excellent because anyone can play it and enjoy. It's a great stress reliever instead of a time waster. The ending is satisfying and once you defeat the final boss, the game continues. There is enough content to keep anyone tuned in for at least a month... If you work a job or go to school regularly. For those of you who do nothing but sit home and play games, this will be good for 4 days to a week depending on your level of skill.

There are some new and exciting parts to the game, namely THE WEB OF INTRIGUE. This is a system where you find out more about people and the story line. It's great and could easily lend itself to RPG games as well!

Finally, If you choose to purchase this game, I found a few things that you may want to watch out for. Glitch 1 - Running/Flying in place. I don't Know what happens but suddenly after only 12 hours of game play - you find yourself running and there is no scenery! Simple fix - save turn game off and back on. You should be able to continue plaing after that.

Several arms. Okay you swing out your lasso arm and then you seem to have an arm that is not attached to you. Maybe even six or seven. - Don't worry about it. I find that it goes away on its own. It is so obvious this is a glitch but Alex Mercer is an ever evolving person so you may attribute it to him upgrading his skills.

The sudden need to regurgitate accompanied by dizziness. So you've been playing for 2 days straight and you start to feel sick! DO NOT LAY DOWN. Get out of the house and leave the game alone!

In conclusion, Prototype is a great game that can be loved by anyone. The violence is for mature audiences but I know teenie boppers will eat it up! It's easy to play, so you can just sit down and KILL KILL KILL! Put it in your hall of games near the front and enjoy! Ladies Rule and guys do dishes!

Thanks for reading!
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Amazing game that will certainly get a few playthroughs

First off I truly like the way the game starts, it drops you right into
the action-then brings you back to an earlier date & starts the storyline.
I prefer 1st person shooters honestly but thats not an issue here, it flows
really well in almost every category that one would rate a game on-imo.
There are so many things I enjoy about this game, I love the movement and
truly running up the sides of buldings in a Super Parkour effortless fashion.
This game is a real power trip giving you at times feelings of invincibilty,
there are good weapons and vehicles in it, but w/upgrades etc. you truly are
a weapon!
I enjoy the way the storyline advances smoothly, gives options of "free roaming"and lets you earn upgrades quikly rather than making them seem far
off or in some games almost seem unachievable. As you gain upgrades though
it may seem a bit confusing of how/when to use them, many I think are mostly
for a fun factor though and most gamers will stick with basics & dabble with
There are a couple things I dont care for about the game, one being the access
to some of your weapons-keying them up and using the joystick for selection
wouldnt be so bad, but gameplay doesnt stop so you can be losing health if
taking fire. The other is when coming out of some mission/storyline points,
you have to rekey your disguise-often even if you immediately change into
disguise, its too late you've been recognized. Thats not so bad but coming out
of these points you often start with reduced health, but you will just have to
consume a few people......oh yeah you can do that too!
Imo, its a great game that will turn some heads this year-cant go wrong with
this game in your collection, enjoy! :-)
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Prototype (Xbox 360)

I really liked the story and the gameplay itself was really fun. One major complaint is that the graphics are typically subpar during cutscenes except for a couple of characters. I've beaten the game and haven't played it much since, but I'm worried that it won't have a strong replay value since the only thing left to do is replay the story or do side missions which are basically things like 'kill so many people with this weapon in a given time', footraces, etc. However, keep in mind I'm writing this review before the expected downloadable content is released.Read full review...


Great Game

This is a very entertaining and unique game. I foresee a high replay value since it is a easy game to just pick up and play. You don't have spend hours learning everything. It does seem like the missions will get old, but the story line is very interesting. Overall, I can see myself beating this game more than once, and something to kill some time before I have to leave for work.


The graphics do tend to get a bit bland, but this is still a great game. I have beaten it once, and it could have been longer. I haven't gotten around to messing with it again, basically just waiting on the DLC to come out(which many are saying soon). The story is great. If you are a perfectionist you may not like the game very much, due to how hard some of the side missions can get, or how much they are based on luck. Some cutscenes are just too long for you to go through repeatedly whenever you have to restart a mission. The sounds, well mostly were just as expected, they did seem to be a shallow pool of speech. I heard the same things throughout the game. And when you are not destroying anything, and there is really little noise, there seems to be no music or anything to listen to while you are doing some of the less destructive missions. At least I do not remember hearing any music.

Short Version:
Graphics 7/10
Story 9/10
Sounds 7/10
Cutscenes 8/10
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[Prototype] - WARNING! This game is highly addictive!

I heard from a few friends that this game was very good, so I picked it up to try for myself.

The story line for the game is quite good. Alot of thought and time went into putting together a very involved game that really makes you want to play it so you can learn the whole story. The storyline is engrossing, and the game will take quite a few dedicated hours to beat. For those who played Assassain's Creed (another very good game with a great storyline) this game would be right up your alley. The controls are not overly complicated and easy to learn and movement is pretty fluid.

Parents of children or young teens take warning, this game is rated Mature for a reason. It is extremely violent, extremely gory, and the language is extreme.
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Assasins Creed meets the ultimate bad ass

Since I've gotten this game I've had a hard time keeping away from it. From the get-go it is non-stop fun. The controls are fun, the actions is violent and fast, and the graphics are outstanding. Like the title says, I compare this to Assassins Creed in a way because of the building climbing(only in this game there is no "climbing up the building, you just run right up the side), roof jumping, sneaky assassination kills, disguise meeter (this one is much better than A.C. though), and Orb Collecting (instead of flag collecting). The action in this game is much more fast paced though and you are much harder to kill even. Destroying tanks, helicopters, mounted guns, military bases, and monster hives is tons of fun. The powers you gain when gaining experience (known as Evolution Points, EP) are very customizable. You can choose what powers to "buy" and upgrade as they become available. The shape shifting abilities are just awsome. Being able to turn your body into weapons like whips, hammer (Hulk like) fists, claws, or blades never gets old. Also you can pick up any weapons your opponents drop and use them if you want. The only downsides of the whole game are the controls are sometimes a little hard to master and some of the silly challenges can get frustrating (like racing on building tops to collect orbs in a certain amount of time). Fortunately the challenges are actually strictly optional (you do gain some decent EP by completing them and receiving a gold), if you choose you can just go right along with the story line or just run around and blow shit up.
This game can be very gory and violent, so it is not for young children. But other than that, because the violence is so far fetched that it should be fine for anyone in the teens or older.
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